retable faq blue background
January 20, 2024
Sharing & Collaboration

How to share a workspace?

You can follow the steps below to share your workspace;

  • Go to your Retable dashboard
  • Click the 3 dots near the workspace that you want to share.
  • Click "Invite Collaborators"
  • Type the email address of the user with that you want to share your workspace.
  • Select the role as owner, viewer or editor.
  • Click the "Invite" button
  • You can also create a view link for your workspace by activating the "Invite by Link" toggle at the bottom of the pop-up screen. Users with this link cannot have any authority over your workspace, they can only view your workspace and the projects in it.

PS: "Owner" users have all kinds of privileges. Users who are "editors" can rename and edit in the relevant workspace. It cannot delete the workspace, project or table.