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January 20, 2024

How to use card view?

Meet with the ultimate solution for visually organizing your information like never before. With its sleek and modern design, Retable's Card View allows you to seamlessly present your content in a clean and easily digestible format. Whether you're displaying products, articles, or contacts, Card View is the perfect solution for delivering a stunning user experience.

Retable online spreadsheet card view

With this new feature, you can now showcase your information in an organized and visually appealing way, making it easier for users to navigate and explore. Don't wait any longer to elevate your content presentation game, let's see how Card View works! 👇🏻

  • Open your Retable project
  • Add an image column
  • Upload images for your records
  • Open the views section from the left side
  • Click the “Card View” option from the views menu
  • Now your Card View is ready, you can start to customize it
  • Click “Customize Cards” button from the toolbar
  • Select an image column to highlight

Now, you’re ready! If you want you can also add more than one image to your column, you’ll see multiple images in slider format.