This month we have an update package that we think will simplify your business operations in Retable and specifically address your project management needs. Let's see together how Retable's newly developed features will help you to increase the effectiveness of your project management operations.
Let's see what we have for you! 👇🏻
- Calendar View
- Kanban View
- Date Range in Calendar View
- Creating an Organization Invitation Link
- One Month Free Trial for Business PRO & Personal PRO
Calendar View
We're really excited to announce that Retable Calendar View is now live! 🚀
It is now possible to view your important tasks, meetings, goals, expenses and much more on your Retable calendar. Retable calendar view is designed so that teams can get more insights from data records. Let's see the details of the calendar view!
To create a Retable calendar view;
- Open the view sidebar
- Click the "+Add New"
- Select the "Calendar View" option.
- Add a calendar column to place records on your calendar.
Now, your calendar is ready! 🚀
We also record a quick video to show you how to create a calendar view on Retable. Check it out to create your calendar view in seconds!
What's more about the calendar? 👇🏻
- You can continue to organize your records on the calendar. If you click on any record in your calendar, the row detail field will open, so you can edit other columns of your record.
- You can change the dates of the records by drag & drop and on the calendar.
- You can change the view of your calendar to month, week and day based.
- You can do customization, sorting and filtering on the calendar.
- You can create a public share link for your calendar.
- You can add new records to your table directly from the calendar. The records you add through the calendar are directly reflected in your table.
Kanban View
Good news for project managers! Now, it's possible to manage your project more smoothly thanks to Retable's kanban view!🚀
The Retable kanban view provides a more visually optimized way to update and display records in your table. It is used for a project or task management process. Especially if project management is part of your job, you need a kanban view. Briefly, kanban boards provide a visual data management system for your workflows and data.
Kanban boards that are made up of cards categorize the tasks, and these tasks are organized in columns to show the status of the tasks in the project flow. You can move cards between columns as the status of your tasks changes. Thus, you can easily manage all the progress of a task through a single dashboard.
To create a Retable kanban view;
- Open the view sidebar
- Click the "+Add New"
- Select the "Kanban View" option.
You should have a collaborator or select column type to create a kanban view.
- After selecting the Kanban View option, choose your select or collaborator column.
- If you select the "Collaborator" column type, Retable will automatically generate a kanban board based on your collaborator column data. It means your kanban cards will classify your collaborators.
- If you select the select column type, Retable will automatically generate a kanban board based on your select column data. It means your kanban cards will classify your select options.
We also record a quick video to show you how to create a kanban view on Retable. Check it out to create your kanban view in seconds!
What's more about the kanban view? 👇🏻
- By clicking "Customize List", you can hide any data on your cards.
- You can drag & drop your cards on the kanban board.
- You can also sort & filter your data in the kanban view.
- Also, you can create a public view for your kanban view like the other views.
- If you click any data in the kanban board the row detail area will be open and you can change your row details from this area.
- You also can add a new row by clicking the "+" icon at the bottom of the kanban cards.
- You also can collapse the kanban cards by clicking the collapse button directly at the bottom of the kanban cards.
- If you click the add new column icon at the top right of the kanban cards you can add a new column to your table which means you can add a new column to your kanban.
Date Range in Calendar View
Retable’s fresh calendar view feature provides you with a date range view for you to have an insightful view of your data. If you have some tasks that have start and end date, Retable’s calendar view shows you these dates in a date range format.
Let’s see the date range feature in action to better understanding! 👇🏻
Creating an Organization Invitation Link
Finally, it happened! Our best-of-breed, Retable organization plan has a new feature to make things easier for you. 🎉
Now, you can invite your teammates to your organization by an invitation link. It means you do not need to write the email addresses one by one to add each member to your organization. Just create an invitation link and share it with your team to invite them to join your Retable organization!
Let's see how it works! 👇🏻

One Month Free Trial for Business PRO & Personal PRO
We are so excited to announce that our Personal Pro and Business Pro plans have a one-month free trial for you all! 🎯
The last months were full of developments for our team, and we’re really excited to meet you all with our new features. For this purpose, we decided to give you all a one-month free trial for our personal pro and business pro plans. That means even if you are using Retable free you can try all our pro features freely for one month! And the best thing is you do not need to add any credit card information!
We’re curious about your feedback on our newly announced features. Try our premium plans and do not forget to give us feedback via
- Go to your “Account Details” by clicking to 3 dots at the top right of your Retable dashboard
- Click “Subscription & Payments” tab
- Click “Upgrade for Free Now” button
- Select PRO or Business PRO and click “Try for Free”
- Now, all is set! You can start to use your one-month free trial. 🎉

🎯 Bonus: Join Our Slack Community
Last and best one for this month!
We’re getting closer day by day. Now our slack community is ready to welcome you all!
Join our Slack community and have the opportunity to talk with other Retable users and its maintainers. We’re really excited to meet you all! 💙
Retable team has worked hard this month to streamline and simplify your flexibility on project and team management. Congrats team, it was a productive month for all of us! 🥂
Our developments continue to make Retable more effective and flexible for you. Stay tuned, and feel free to share your feedback with us! 🚀
You can also check out the improvements we released for you last month! 👉🏻 What's New in Retable - August 2022
See you next month. 🙌🏻
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