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September 30, 2024
Project Management

Project tracking

In the bustling world of project management, staying organized and on top of every detail is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Retable's project tracking spreadsheet template is designed to provide project managers and team members with a comprehensive overview of their projects at a glance.

Project tracking spreadsheet template

📌 To copy and customize the project tracking spreadsheet template to your own Retable dashboard, click the "Copy to workspace" button in the upper right corner of the template!

Columns of the project tracking spreadsheet template

  • At risk: It's a checkbox column type. You can use these checkboxes to quickly indicate whether your tasks are at risk.
  • Status: It's a select column type. Indicates the current stage of each task, such as 'Not started', 'In Progress', 'Done', etc. You can add more status option.
  • Priority: It's a select column type. Indicates the priority each task, such as 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', etc. You can add more priority option.
  • Deadline: It's a calendar column type. Here you can find the deadline for the task completion. You can change the date format by customizing this column.
  • Task: It's a text column type. Here, you can find the name of each task, which provide a quick idea of the topic of each task.
  • Description: It's a text column type. Here, you can find the description of each task, which provide a detailed explanation of each task.
  • Assigned to: It's a select column type. The name listed here represents who is responsible for each task. You can change this column type to "Collaborator" to easily assign tasks to your teammates.
  • Deliverable(s): It's a text column type. Here, you can find the deliverable(s) of each task, which provides a quick idea of the deliverables of each task.
  • % Done: It's a percent column type. It shows your data as a progress bar. Thanks to this column, you can see the completion progress of your task.
  • Fixed cost: It's a currency column type and shows the fixed cost of each task. You can change the currency format of this column.
  • Estimated hours: It's a number column type. It shows the estimated completion hours of each task.
  • Actual hours: It's a number column type. It shows the actual completion hours of each task.

Retable's project tracking template is designed to streamline the project management processes, making it easier to manage and track from project status to priorities.

Views of the project tracking spreadsheet template

The view types of your project tracking template are designed to offer different perspectives and ways to interact with your tasks. Here's a brief explanation of each view:

Grid view (default):

This view presents the project tasks in a traditional spreadsheet format, where each row represents a different tasks and the columns represent the various attributes of each taks, such as status, priority, description, etc. It's the most detailed and comprehensive view, suitable for editing and entering data.

Kanban view:

There are 3 kanban views in this project tracking spreadsheet template.

  • Status Kanban
  • Assigned to Kanban
  • Priority Kanban

In Kanban views, tasks are displayed as cards on a Kanban board, allowing you to visualize and manage the workflow of your tasks. Each card represents a task and can be moved across columns representing different stages of the project task management process (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). This view helps track progress and manage tasks.

Status Kanban
Assigned to Kanban
Priority Kanban

Card view:

The card view also represents tasks as cards, but it may provide a more condensed overview than the Kanban view. Each card typically shows key information at a glance, such as a title and status, and can be clicked on to reveal more details. This view is useful for a quick review of tasks and status checks.

Calendar view:

Calendar view helps you automatically display the dates in your table on a calendar. If your table has multiple date columns (ex; start date & end date) you can automatically create date ranges in your calendar view.

Each view serves a special point and can be used depending on the particular needs, whether that's detailed data entry, visual data management, or quick status checks.

Retable's project tracking spreadsheet template is a ready-to-use template for efficiently managing your tasks, enabling you to organize and progress each task from start to end with ease. With options like Grid, Kanban, Calendar and Card views, you can customize your workflow to suit your team's unique needs.

Ready to explore even more ways to streamline your project management processes? Dive into Retable's diverse collection of templates and find the perfect fit to elevate your project management to the next level. Discover Retable's templates today and transform your tasks into impactful projects with just a few clicks!